7 x 7 Meme
A meme (pronounced "meem") is an idea, thought or piece of information that is passed from generation to generation through imitation and behavioural replication. Coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene," memes and memetics are the cultural counterpart to the biological study of genes and genetics. Using the evolution analogy, Dawkins observed that human cultures evolve via "contagious" communications in a manner similar to the gene pool of populations over time. There is an argument that in humans, cultural evolution by selection of adaptive ideas has superseded biological evolution by selection of hereditary traits. So an idea, considered as a replicator, behaves a little like a parasite which causes people to propagate it, much as viruses do. Hackers find this idea congenial for tolerably obvious reasons.
There's shed loads more about it on Wikipedia and jolly interesting it is too, but for this purpose we are talking a kind of blogging-chain-letter-cum-parasite, courtesy of Stuart the Bastard! And as he's TOLD everyone he's tagged me I'll have to do it.
Trouble is, my mind has gone completely blank...I think this will be more word association (football) rather than anything approaching a deeply profound response...
Seven Things To Do Before I Die
1. Live the life of Riley on the proceeds of my second and subsequent novels. The first, having been duly completed by me, published to great literary acclaim for a first novel, yet gone to blockbuster status instantly.
2. See Hollywood snap up the film rights to the aforementioned book and smugly attend the premiere of the blockbuster movie.
3. Keep the Evil Daughter on the straight and narrow long enough to see her in gainful employment, and thus off my hands. If need be by securing her a leading role in (2) above through nepotism, or (less likely) marrying her off to an eligible suitor who is not a chav with no chin.
4. Given that (1) and or (2) pan out, make anonymous gifts to deserving people and causes (except the Evil One because I'll already have done my bit for her).
5. Remember and then make amends for all the evil things I have done, just in case I was wrong on the atheism front...
6. Sort out state Education provision in this country.
7. Wash the car. I will get round to it, honest. Maybe next Spring...
Seven Things I Cannot Do
1. Apologise properly (apparently).
2. Explain things patiently to idiots.
3. Undo the knots in chains.
4. Lie convincingly.
5. Tell children that Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy are not real. (Quite a challenge given (4).
6. Play a musical instrument.
7. Long division.
Seven Things I Say
1. It's nearly finshed.
2. Still soon be Christmas...
3. Will you lot stop squabbling!
4. It's your round.
5. Yeah right!
6. You know where you can stick your fucking job
7. There's many a man walking the Thames Embankment for not getting his trumps out soon enough. (Oh no sorry, that was my Dad, I got confused!)
Seven Things That Attract Me to...Family Life
1. Being in a close orbit of the centre of the universe. Mrs C. is naturally at the epicentre.
2. Seeing the children's faces on Christmas morning; little ones so excited, big ones sportingly keeping the myth going.
3. Family suppers, with menus made by younger daughter complete with her unique, dyslexic (but pleasingly medieval) spelling.
4. Making things with the kids for school projects that prove to be ridiculously over ambitious (that bloody chain mail coif took six & a half THOUSAND steel rings!)
5. Teasing the yoof and playing devil's advocate to make them think.
6. Watching them spread their wings...from Nativity Plays to Debating Competitions.
7. Being needed when it all goes horribly wrong.
Seven Books That I Love (total cheat since they are the nearest to me on the shelf)
1. Longbow - Robert Hardy
2. Football Factory, Headhunters and England Away (trilogy) - John King
3. Emperor series (all three so far) - Conn Iggulden
4. The Flashman books - George Macdonald Fraser
5. The Last Kingdom (and sequel The Pale Horseman) - Bernard Cornwell
6. Discworld (any of them) - Terry Pratchett
7. Citizen of the Galaxy - Robert A. Heinlein
Seven Movies That I've Loved (from the top of the DVD pile so I guess they get a lot of viewing round here)
1. Fight Club
2. The Matrix
3. School of Rock
4. Kight's Tale
5. 10 Things I Hate About You
6. The Day after Tomorrow
7. Shrek
Just to perpetuate the agony, I hearby tag:
1. Span
2. Six
3. Kayfer
4. Mags
5. Augustus
6. DFH
7. Kats
Did I mention you have Stuart the Bastard to blame for this...