George Osbourne & namesake

Watching the Shadow Chancellor's speech at Conservative Party Conference I was struck by an uncanny similarity.
George is a dead ringer for, well, George, the Prince Regent.

This brings one to wonder about his ambitions for the throne and to postulate that he will probably run to fat.
On a completely different note, in searching for pictures to confirm my suspicions about Osbourne, I discovered that George IV ...

...undoubtedly evolved into John Sessions

Not sure what this means for the Suc-Session! (Groan!)
Labels: Separated at birth
Well you won't be surprised that I posted about GO yesterday with links and all to the nifty new website... HERE in case you'd forgotten where to look; in fact you read my 3 posts on Brown, especially the one last week; it was rather good I thought especially as I linked you you!...and him using the samne speil re the world economy that he used in 1998!!!!
More surprising is that Paul (baldinio) also posted re the conference AND a link to the new CP website (a convert???)
You are such a link trollop Ows!
What did you link to of mine? Goody goody! I must look!
(Works this tarting, ;-))
Ah yes in calling Brown quaint, how could you not link to my quaint post.
I DID! That's what I was saying! obviously didn't read to the end of the post! I don't post shite you know - it's all quality stuff :-)
Yes that's what I'm saying. How could one not? Not, why didn't you! I can SEE you did!
All good stuff. Obviously!
Good oh!
Actually, I've agreed with Baldi before now that he thinks he's a socialist accountant and I think I'm an Arnarcho Capitalist but we completely agree on almost everything except what to call ourselves....
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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