Monday, April 24, 2006

'Disadvantaged' get easier entry

"University places will be offered to "disadvantaged" pupils with examination grades lower than minimum course requirements under a new national scheme according to the Telegraph."

Good God! My Evil Daughter's been disadvantaged! I've withdrawn all her privileges for badness! So has the school (very good comprehensive ex-grammar school) which has refused (quite rightly) to have her back for the Upper Sixth and if any University in it's right mind admits her after that I may have to make a unilateral tax strike in protest! I fear though such disadvantage is not what they mean.

Now if the current chav that she's dating were to father a baby on her all might be different - at Leeds Uni anyway... But I fail to see why the hell that should beget her any kind of special treament!

How can I have spawned a son who was Head of House, got straight A's, went to King's to read Philosophy and think, and then HER?! Spoilt or what? Aaaaaaaaghhh!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Happy St Georges' Day!

I am SOOOOOOOOO glad I'm English!

Google has taken the right attitude...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Behold! Oh ye of little faith!

Thus the work of a Tonka toy may be marvelled at!

'Tis not commonly thought of as a gardening tool...however, ye olde allotment holders doth marvel at the efficiency of said tool!

Double digging? Ea-sy! Ea-sy!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Spring has definitely sprung

I've been doing a spot of gardening.

We recently had a letter from the council about the state of the allotment. Admittedly it was a bit dire but that's no reason to take it off us. It had got away from the boy last year, but heck you don't get all those A grades by keeping your veg plot up to scratch.

So we decided to take it in hand. Well actually Mrs C decided I should take it in hand. She required double digging if you please. With manure. And helpfully suggested I hire a machine. It seems she had a different sort of machine in mind though...something in more of the rotivator line...