Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Behold! Oh ye of little faith!

Thus the work of a Tonka toy may be marvelled at!

'Tis not commonly thought of as a gardening tool...however, ye olde allotment holders doth marvel at the efficiency of said tool!

Double digging? Ea-sy! Ea-sy!


Blogger Linda Mason said...

Brilliant gavin, as it's been done in a straight line I take it that Mrs Corder took control of the tonka and not you?

Now what the fek are you growing this year?

Tue Apr 18, 08:23:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Gavin Corder said...

The luscious Mrs C may be great at photography - but she's shite at earthworks! Grafting is not really her thing. (Look up grafting - brilliant word!)

I do maintain though, the skill with the toy is entirely dependent upon what one was given to play with as a child.

For example, would Michaelangelo have sculpted his David if his father hadn't been a stone mason.

Imagine it: "Shuddup Mikey! 'Ave this 'ere bit of marble and a chisel. But just stop yer snivelling!"

Me I got a big yellow Tonka toy....

Tue Apr 18, 11:43:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Lucy said...

What do yu mean 'grafting not her thing?
Having just looked it up I would say she has grafted at least 4 times.

Wed Apr 19, 09:39:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

gavin (adopts bestest patronising tone)as a woman, Mrs C will only have known 'graft' all her life. Do you think looking after you and birthing and then looking after the corder sproglettes is 'non-graft'? (shakes head) Bloody men!

Wed Apr 19, 10:53:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Name Witheld said...

A week ago we took the kids to Diggerland. We had a great time : you get to use allsorts of JCB-like stuff. Plenty of fun for all the family!

Yes, the earth moved!!!!!

Thu Apr 20, 10:46:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Nice piece of work Gavin...is it heaped up for spuds or something or is that an illusion of the photo...what goes on in those sheds then...come on, tell us!

I could say that Mrs. C may not be good at earth moving but I bet she makes the earth move...:-)
...except that Shytalk already said that! Doh!

Sat Apr 22, 07:02:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Lucy said...

Shy is that the Diggerland in Kent?
I have been hearing good reports on it, so i think a visit is in order.

Sat Apr 22, 08:10:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Name Witheld said...


It was the Diggerland in Durham that we went to : only about 20 miles from us. I think one of the kids took some pictures. If there's any good ones I'll put them on my blog.

Sat Apr 22, 11:50:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Gavin Corder said...

That heap Span, dear boy, is evidence of my patented double digging method in progress. Scrape the turf, pile it up. Scrape the clean top soil, pile it up. Dump the turf back in the hole, spread the manure on that, then clean top soil on top. Next summon wives and children with fork and rake to finish off...Simple. More wives and children the merrier, I say!

Sun Apr 23, 01:34:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Gavin Corder said...

Mags, I came over all historical about grafting...it wasn't a slur in Mrs C. To graft was to dig defensive earthworth works, and if youve seen the size on an iron age hill fort or a moated defensive position, you know how the term came to mean hard work of any kind. The kind of spade that was used to dig the canals is still called a grafting tool...

Sun Apr 23, 01:47:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Gavin Corder said...

Earthworth? Put my teeth in! And while I'm about it that was on not in...

Sun Apr 23, 04:39:00 PM GMT+1  
Blogger Crispin Heath said...

I did mean to mention. I know you've got a few mouths to feed down at Corder HQ, but do you deliver veg food parcels to the local community.

Tue May 09, 09:21:00 AM GMT+1  
Blogger Gavin Corder said...

We've not had the surplus before. But that's probably because Number One Son let it get away from him. So given that I'm trying to knock it into shape this year, it's a srtong possibility.

Tue May 09, 09:27:00 AM GMT+1  

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