Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Hoodie 'shoots' Cameron...

...and causes uproar. Under the headline: Teenage 'pistol' hoodie gloats, the Sun predictably wallows in disgust.
"A TEENAGE hoodie told last night how he ran up behind Tory leader David Cameron and pretended to shoot him.
Tagged thug Ryan Florence, 17, said he made the sick gun gesture to impress gang pals who were watching."
And the Great British public is whipped into a frenzy of comment, like this, typical of the Daily Mail.
"This young thug is a good reason why we all should be armed with guns.Oh Purleeease!
- John Smith, Ulverston UK"
Wikipedia is quite ambivalent about the 'bang bang' hand gesture.
"This imitation of the action of a revolver pistol is often meant to represent a handgun in children's games. It may also be used menacingly to mean "I'm gonna kill you", or simply as a playful greeting."
The gesture is represented in stock photo libraries under the Business section. The gesture here surely implies, "Spot on!" or "Right on the money!", "Yes! We're going places!" or some such.

And for fans of wrestling's "Cactus Jack" the double handed gesture is a signature.

Apparently "Cactus Jack" Mick Foley took his trademark catchphrase "Bang, Bang!" from the B-52's song "Love Shack." The song was running through his head at the end of a match, and he held his fingers up like pistols while reciting the "bang bang bang on the door..." verse.
But what, (honestly), is the difference between the top image and this one?

I put it to you that a little boy in Manchester was hamming it up for the camera. No more. No less.
Feel free to comment here and there is further discussion on the message board.
English Holiday

Prime Minister Blair, not feeling well and concerned about his mortality goes to consult a psychic about the date of his death.
Closing her eyes and silently reaching into the realm of the future she finds the answer: "You will die on an English holiday."
"Which one?" Blair asks nervously.
"It doesn't matter," replied the psychic. "Whenever you die, it will be an English holiday".
Saturday, February 10, 2007
EU laws threaten Earl Grey tea

The producers of the citrus fruit bergamot, which is unique to Earl Grey tea, will not be able to afford to comply with the new EU Reach directive. Under the health and safety regulations the bergamot oil, which is mainly used in the production of perfume, is classified as potentially poisonous and is therefore required to be tested and registered with the European Chemical Agency.
The extra £35,000 cost this would entail is beyond the means of the small Italian farms which grow the commodity and may lead to the farms changing the crops they grow.
They tried to straighten bananas, they're talking of doing away with the pint, but the Brussels bureaucrats have taken a step too far. Sign away our inalienable rights under Magna Carta but dammit, we won't stand for Johnny Foreigner buggering about with our tea! That's really taking the rich tea biscuit!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Today is Imbolc

As the light lengthens, so the cold strengthens
Traditional saying
Traditional saying
Imbolc is defined as a cross-quarter day, midway between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). The precise astrological midpoint in the Northern hemisphere is when the sun reaches fifteen degrees of Aquarius.
The term "Imbolc" translates as either "in milk" or "in the belly," and marked the birth and nursing of the spring lambs as a sign of the first stirrings of spring in the middle of winter.
It may also have been celebrated with the lighting of candles, as slightly longer days begin to be noticeable at this time of year.
Since the Celtic year was based on both lunar and solar cycles, it is most likely that the holiday would be celebrated on the full moon nearest the midpoint between the winter solstice and vernal equinox, or when the primroses, dandelions, or other spring flowers rise up through the snow.
There's a big fuck-off clock up in the sky tonight.
It's called Candlemas in the Christian calendar and is the last feast in the Christian year that is dated by reference to Christmas - forty days after the nativity.
Under Mosaic law, a mother who had given birth to a man-child was considered unclean for seven days; moreover she was to remain for three and thirty days "in the blood of her purification." Candlemas therefore corresponds to the day on which Mary, according to Jewish law should have attended a ceremony of ritual purification.
The ceremony was usual in medieval England, where it was called 'churching'. New mothers who had yet to be churched were regarded as attractive to the fairies, and so in danger of being kidnapped by them.
The term "Candlemas" refers to the practice found in former Roman Missals whereby a priest on February 2 would bless the candles for use during the year (said candles must be of beeswax).
"Down with the rosemary, and so
Down with the bays and mistletoe ;
Down with the holly, ivy, all,
Wherewith ye dress'd the Christmas Hall"
— Robert Herrick (1591–1674), "Ceremony upon Candlemas Eve"
As the poem by Robert Herrick records, the eve of Candlemas was the day on which Christmas decorations of greenery were removed from people's homes; for traces of berries, holly and so forth will bring death among the congregation before another year is out.
Another tradition holds that anyone who hears funeral bells tolling on Candlemas will soon hear of the death of a close friend or relative; each toll of the bell represents a day that will pass before the unfortunate news is learned.
Good weather at Candlemas is taken to indicate severe winter weather later. In America Candlemas evolved into Groundhog Day celebrated on the same date.
In France, Candlemas is celebrated with crêpes, which must be eaten only after eight p.m. If the cook can flip a crêpe while holding a coin in the other hand, the family is assured of prosperity throughout the coming year.
There are those who would argue that that Candlemas is not a Christianisation of the pagan festival of Imbolc.
Yeah, right!